Thursday, July 29, 2010

Looking Ahead at Social Learning

Andrew Barras (Educational Stormfront) has posted another very interesting blog on Social Learning for the next ten years.

AKA crudbasher says:
I really liked this article. Basically the authors are predicting how learning will change in the next 10 years. Interestingly they aren’t talking about this in the context of education, but in the context of workplace continuing education. I think that industry will take the lead on innovative learning techniques in the future.
It’s important to remember that learning can happen without schools. If schools want to remain relevant they have to come up with a better reason than “we have all the information here”. That isn’t true anymore.

Read More @
Image from Social Learning Playbook

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to Ignite Intellectual Curiosity in Students

The web, magazines, newspapers are all a buzz about student's declining creative. If you have read my blog you know that I share many of the views of Sir Ken Robinson. Kids come to school with abundant creativity but by third grade many have lost much of that spark of creativity they had. Ben Johnson’s article “How to Ignite Intellectual Curiosity in Students” in edutopia may offer some reasons. Give it a read and offer comments:

Ben Johnson 7/26/10
I personally have never seen a student that was not curious about something. I have seen many students who have suppressed their curiosity when they enter school to such an extent as to be nearly undetectable, but it is still there. Human beings are hardwired to be curious and being curious is a major activity of childhood and young adulthood (and yet recently more and more students would rather be curious-looking).
Want to read more:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Learning Today Blog - Post by Amanda Kenuam

On the Learning Today Blog, Amanda Kenuam, has an excellent post titled Web 3.0, Networked Literacy, and Information Fluency | #ISTE10. She reports on information from Gary Hayes (Web 3.0 & Social Media Counts), Jeff Utecht (Networked Literacy), Anglea Maiers (21st Century Teaching and Learning), plus tidbits from #ISTE10 and ebc10. Wonderful reading for all in education!
Love to hear your comments on the Learning Today Blog post of Amanda Kenuam.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom - Alan November

Last fall I viewed an Alan November video “Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom”. Two comments by November that spoke to me were: kids need to make contributions in the real world community and let students have more control of their learning. Along with being inspired, the video challenge my thinking about teachers and their control of student learning.
Today Kyle Pace sent the following RT: Awesome...RT @mbteach: So inspired by this video of/by Alan November
I took a second look at the video and continue to be impressed with its content. What about you?

Myths and Opportunities: Technology in the Classroom by Alan November from Brian Mull on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Children's Book - Riley's Lost Tooth

As a husband, I certainly have the right to do a little bragging on my wife. Diane's second children's book was released in the spring of 2010. The book is titled Riley's Lost Tooth and was written for our granddaughter as a Valentine's gift the year she lost her first tooth. As with her first book, Goodbye Baby Max, the illustrator is Heather Castles. The illustrations have been captivating to those reading both of the books. Do you have a child or grand child soon to be losing their first tooth? Riley's Lost Tooth might be just the perfect gift to say I love you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

ISTE 2010 - Ian Jukes & Lee Crockett on Education the Next 10 Years

I did not attend ISTE 2010 in person but did try to follow on twitter and Elluminate. Even from a distance, I found the conference to be full of energy and excitement. Recordings from this event can be found at ISTE Unplugged. In reading Andrew Barra’s blog “Education Storm Front” I was introduced to Ian Jukes and Lee Crockett's session on a look at education for the next 10 years. I would rates this a must view for all of you in education. The beginning of the presentation also has an excellent history of computers going back to 1947 in Philadelphia. I encourage you to set aside 55 minutes to watch is dynamic presentation!